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Computer Sciences

These specialties are orientated to the fundamental, encyclopedic training of the professionals of the highest level of the widest range of computer science items. Carriers of these professions compile the elite of the worldwide computer community.

Transport and Logistics

The given programme is aimed to the training in the fields of one of the most modern specialities - logistics. The choice of the optimal routing, the effective type of transport, terminals and warehouses, nodelling of the complete chain of the cargo delivery and many other is a competence of the logistics specialist.


Modern economist should pass through all stages of professional growth: from the basics of entrepreneurship to the system analysis and the principles of management of large economic systems; from simple operations with financial indices to the construction of mathematical models of forecasting the company’s financial state.


Management is a dynamic element supporting organizational health and vitality. The investments and the financial rents, futures and options, diversifications and risks, hedging and forecasting ... You must be interested to know what it means.

Achieve your goals and be ready for a breakthrough - start your studies right now!

This is the right time for Distance Learning!

Advantages of Distance Learning:

  • Choose your own place and time for study.
  • Choose the learning speed.
  • Distance learning is more affordable.
  • Admission is open all year round.
  • Study and easily combine it with work, family life and hobbies.
  • For graduates and their family members, as well as business partners – opportunity to receive an additional discount of up to 10%.

A distance learning diploma is just as valuable as full-time studies!

Apply today

Study Programmes, which are offered in distance form:
